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Truth be told I hate rules! But I do need some metrics to judge if I am successful.

1. No grocery stores used to purchase food or beverage. Not going in them will help with temptation.
2. Use the list of these farmers/suppliers/places to shop:
    -farmers markets
    -Crisp Country Acres
    -Silverbeet Farm
    -Long Valley Farm
    -29th Street Market
    -Jack and Jills
    -native harvest
    -ferris farms
    -dumpster diving
    -Menards for canning supplies. Yes I use        cheater seasoning packets🙄🙄🙄
3. Restaurants... I am not a social person        but when I do go out it is for meals or        drinks. I will continue going out with friends and family on their request. I can not go out to eat on my own. And I cannot beg people to go out to eat with me 🤣🤣🤣
4. I will keep track of all spending. Mainly to see if this is doable for all people or if there are aspects of the year that are doable.
5. I cannot gain weight. Odd stipulation I know. I lost 60ish pounds in 2019's year of health. It has tremendously helped in all aspects of my life.
6. I can only stock a little of the following items: diet pepsi, hot sauce, and a few seasoning
7. If I am eating at someones house I will fully eat at their house. I will not put my stipulations on other people. I will fully enjoy others company without making it weird.
8. Visiting my mother. My mother shows love through food. I am 41 and she still likes to make sure I have groceries. I will not ask for any food. If she gives me food I will take what I would have in the past. I will not beg for any of my favorites or take more then I usually would
9. I am still working out how to source food for dog food. I am starting to make dog food and trying to figure out those particulars.
Possibly more rules to come....


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