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Week One Done

So I am one full week through my year of no grocery stores! It has not been bad so far, but I don't think the tough parts have happened yet.

I am slowly starting to tell more people about this and I get strange looks, but mostly support. Part of this challenge is that I cannot go to a restaurant, coffee shop (unless work related), or get take out by myself; I can go if someone invites me out because I don't want to lose social interaction. A very sweet person I work with wants to go out to lunch and told me he would pay because that wouldn't break my rules right? What a kind offer! Working in a kitchen we don't make a lot of money so anytime a person offers something like that it makes my heart smile. I explained that I can pay as long as I am invited somewhere.

Another part of this challenge is reducing my waste. Why is this important? Studies suggest that Americans waste 1 pound of food per day. So far I have wasted 3 radishes that were gross in the middle and 1/4 cup of half and half. Going forward I am going to try and weigh the food that I waste. In the summer I can go to the outdoor market and pay $2 a visit to have all my fruit/veg scraps composted.

The last part of the challenge is that I cannot gain weight or I will consider dropping the challenge. My health comes first. Happy to report that even with using higher fat foods I am down 1 pound. 

Here is to another great week!


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Truth be told I hate rules! But I do need some metrics to judge if I am successful. 1. No grocery stores used to purchase food or beverage. Not going in them will help with temptation. 2. Use the list of these farmers/suppliers/places to shop:     -farmers markets     -husteds     -Moonique     -Crisp Country Acres     -Silverbeet Farm     -Long Valley Farm     -29th Street Market     -Jack and Jills     -native harvest     -ferris farms     -foraging     -dumpster diving     -Menards for canning supplies. Yes I use        cheater seasoning packets🙄🙄🙄 3. Restaurants... I am not a social person        but when I do go out it is for meals or        drinks. I will continue going out with friends and family on their request. I can not go out to eat on my own. And I cannot beg people to go out to eat with me 🤣🤣🤣 4. I will keep track of all spending. Mainly to see if this is doable for all people or if there are aspects of the year that are doable. 5.

Week 5

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Week 1 Financials

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