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Showing posts from February, 2020

Week 5

Man this year is going quickly! Before you know it, it will be time to plant some seeds and asparagus and rhubarb is just around the corner. Not a whole lot to report on. Lots of cooking, lots of washing dishes, and  surprisingly lots of fails. Waste: In the last two weeks I have wasted the apple scrap vinegar because of mold, a jar of beef stew from the freezer because it smelled and tasted off, a small handful of lettuce leaves, about 2 cups of roasted vegetables that I forgot about, a couple slices of bread in the freezer that were freezer burnt, and about a half a head of cabbage that went bad. I will say this is still less then what I have wasted before, but still a little disappointing.  Spending: I have spent $60.31 this month so far. This includes my milk share for the month, 2 liters of olive oil, 2 pounds of honey, and 1/3 of a pound of cheddar cheese. This is a little expensive and maybe not so affordable. Hard cheeses in general are super pricey and so is the ol

One Month In

I can't believe it is already February! Today is a beautiful sunny day here and a most welcomed change from all the grey skies and gloom from last month. I have also made it through a full month of the challenge. I feel like I have learned a lot this month about myself and my eating habits. Impulse control and planning    I have to have a loose meal plan at all times. I can't just run and get something. What has saved me this month is all the convience food I have had in the house prior to January. That and the fact that I froze, canned, and dehydrated quite a bit of food this past summer. So I have never felt like there is nothing to eat. I feel like I have saved a bit of money from not being in a grocery store and not allowing myself fast food. I think everyone knows the grocery store trap when you go in for one thing and walk out spending $80. Also, I bet I am saving $30 a week by not allowing myself fast food or supermarket sushi (stop judging me 🤣🤣🤣) I have gone