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Showing posts from December, 2019

Crisp Country Acres CSA

I have already bought my CSA for the year through CCA. I have mixed feelings about this. It is great for me. For $869.50 70% of my veggies are purchased for the year. This works out to $16.72 a week, which I think is pretty affordable, at least for smaller farms. I acknowledge that this wouldn't be accessible for most people. Putting down that chunk of money would be tough for most. The CSA program also offers 7 or 21 week options in their box shares. They also offer market shares. Those you put a dollar amount down and it is loaded on a card and you can use that in exchange for veggies, fruit, meat, eggs etc

Ducks are in a Row?

I think I might be ready? I have enjoyed almost all of the restaurant/convenience foods that I won't have this coming year. I have collected some tools to make my life easier since I will be cooking 99% of all my own food (exceptions are food I have already bought, mom's home cooking, and the few occasions I go out to eat with friends). - food processor - coffee pot from a no buy site - microwave (haven't had one for 18 yearsish?) - sodastream bubbly water to replace soda I have to say I have felt super impulsive with buying things lately. I probably could have spent 100s of dollars in "preperation" but have put the brakes on that. I keep telling my self it will all be fine. It is not like I will starve. I just have to cook... I mean I cook for others professionally, now I have to do it for me. I will be adding penzeys and frontier herb to my buying list. However, I am hoping to not have to buy anything from any websites until Aprilish.

Less Food Waste

This year I will also be focusing on reducing food waste. Here are the big 3 areas I am focusing on: 1. No quick convenience food. This one is really just built into my year. I can't just run out and get take out or to the grocery store. That means groceries won't sit in my refrigerator and rot 2. Repurposing food! I had mashed potatoes that were going to go bad so I made potato fritters in my air fryer. New snack and no food waste. Plus only 1 WW point per piece. 3. Freeze, dehydrate, or gift food that I won't get to in time. Bonus- Don't buy more then what is needed. This one is hard for me. However my freezer is full and my shelves are stocked.


I am kind of anxious for a couple of reasons: 1. I have decided to start making my dogs food... Using a grocery store convenient, now trying to find meat that isn't super expensive😬😬😬 Veggies are also a bit of a concern until summer comes. I dehydrate, can, and freeze a lot of food but I wasn't anticipating having to do it for the dog too. 2. Allowing my Mom to give and/or cook me meals (unsolicited). My Mom is such a sweetie and cooked me a whole bunch of meals for me to take home with me the last time I was there. I am super grateful for them, plus I don't get homemade food often so it is a wonderful treat. Part of me is concerned people will judge this and perhaps cheapen my year of no grocery stores. The other part of me says the time we have together is precious and I don't want to taint the wonderful gift my mom is giving me.

Way More Work Then I Considered

I have come down with a small cold rendering me pretty much useless. Yesterday, I ordered delivery. I was going to today as well, but I stopped. I am only a little sick and I have a year of not ordering delivery so now is a good enough time to start getting use to things. So I picked up my CSA and made a skillet meal with cabbage, leeks, sausage, and brown rice. Paired this with some homemade pickles and an apple. I am a little concerned that this year is going to be a little more difficult then I thought 🤣🤣🤣


Truth be told I hate rules! But I do need some metrics to judge if I am successful. 1. No grocery stores used to purchase food or beverage. Not going in them will help with temptation. 2. Use the list of these farmers/suppliers/places to shop:     -farmers markets     -husteds     -Moonique     -Crisp Country Acres     -Silverbeet Farm     -Long Valley Farm     -29th Street Market     -Jack and Jills     -native harvest     -ferris farms     -foraging     -dumpster diving     -Menards for canning supplies. Yes I use        cheater seasoning packets🙄🙄🙄 3. Restaurants... I am not a social person        but when I do go out it is for meals or        drinks. I will continue going out with friends and family on their request. I can not go out to eat on my own. And I cannot beg people to go out to eat with me 🤣🤣🤣 4. I will keep track of all spending. Mainly to see if this is doable for all people or if there are aspects of the year that are doable. 5.

Shopping Sources

Where will I be getting my food from this year? 2 CSA's- Crisp Country Acres and Silverbeet Farm: I will do 2 because I can preserve food over the summer. Did I mention I live in a climate where we have cold weather 5 to 6 months of the year? My small garden Ferris Farm, Azure Standards, and CLNF- these websites will be for grain, beans, nuts etc Waterstreet Coffee Joint- for my coffee. The best coffee ever! Oh and it just so happens that I work there Moonique- for milk, cheese, maple sugar, olive oil, chicken Crisp Country Acres- Beef and Pork Jack and Jill- Maple Syrup and Asparagus Husteds- Cherry picking and bushels of pepper seconds 29th Street Market- pick your own herbs Long Valley Farm- Best garlic ever!!! Silverbeet Farm- Honey and small tomatoes for dehydrating Farmer's Market for all sorts of delicious things Native Harvest for wild rice Foraging- right now I can pretty much identify black walnuts from peoples yards, autum olive, and suma

Things I Will Miss

Oh man there will be a lot of things I will miss, but here is my top 5: 1. Sushi!!!! Yes, sometimes I get grocery store sushi, stop judging me 🤣🤣🤣 but in all seriousness no one I know likes sushi so no chance on going to a restaurant... It will be a long year! 2. Diet soda- It is probably good to break up with diet soda, but oh how I love it. 3. Asian food in general- unless I stock up on some staples it will be a year without. Although my friends do like it so maybe a chance for a restaurant outing, 4. All convenience food. It is really nice just being able to go to the store and buy something. I guess now it is prepare or starve 🤣🤣🤣 5. Snacks- Cheetos, pretzels etc. At least I have popcorn. Can't believe no grocery stores is less then a month away.